We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Oh baby, baby, it`s a wild world

You know that feeling when your feet are in intense pain, you`re incredibly tired, and you think that your bike has been towed and you have to walk home, but then you realize after a few minutes that you just parked in a different aisle? I hope you never have to experience any part of it.

P.S.! OMG! There is another girl in the internet cafe!
Also, above the internet cafe, there is a Cat Cafe. Ponder that.


  1. i have actually heard of the cat cafe! you go and kind of 'rent' the cats and you can just sit there and pet them? righttt, ehh?

  2. That`s right! There`s a famous one in Tokyo, but I think the one by me is just a little baybeh one...if you come visit me, we can get cake first and then go pet some kittehs!
