We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Hello Young Lovers

I'm getting so excited to go to Japan because I got to talk to Hera Yoon this morning, and in her honor, I will post a bunch of pictures of her on the post today. Hera left for Tachikawa in February with the same company I am joining, so she is acting as the test sample for me.

But let me tell you, right now I am not very happy. This is very specifically due to my having swimmer's ear, which doesn't make sense because I haven't gone swimming since the fall. In high school, I used to get swimmer's ear all the time (mainly in swimming [some people read just that part and say 'Obviously you would get
swimmer's ear from swimming; what else would you get it from, running?', so to continue-->]; for some reason I hardly ever got it from water polo [smart asses]); the pain would sometimes cause me to miss school, and when I came back, I would have to use the kickboard all of practice (for some people this probably seems jolly and good fun, but I was a sprinter--and my main source of power came from my arms. My legs were like useless pieces of flotsam behind me). Anyways, that long story is mainly just a lead-up to say that my earache basically feels like someone is stabbing me in my ear while also causing my jaw to ache in a numb sort of way. And that makes me grumpy :( It was also embarrassing because the height of the pain came during a jaunt to Wal-Mart; the pain was so sudden and intense that I would grasp at my ear in a jerk-reaction while cowering ever so slightly--it probably looked to observers like I was getting some sort of secret haywire transmission in my ear, or like I was trying to block the voices in my head.

But the point is, I went to Wal-Mart to get boxes so that I can start moving out of my room, since I don't plan on living with my parents when I come home. And what I've come to learn is that I have a lot of crap--a ridiculous amount of useless crap, piles and piles of clothing that I'm fairly certain I don't go through regularly. And yet, as I try to organize everything and try to figure out what I can get rid of, I think to myself, "No, I need this--this is vital. This is very important and I'm sure that I will definitely want to keep it forever." I imagine this is going to be problematic if I want to continue down the path of effectiveness. Does anyone feel like cleaning for me? I can't pay you, but I will make you a 2 months supply of baked goods. Types of baked goods I will make you for cleaning my room:

-Choco-chip cookies
-Marzipan (the candy, not fondant, but I can cover it in chocolate)
-Pound cake
-Sugar cookies with homemade frosting
-Pudding/pudding pies
-Monkey bread
-Cinnamon rolls
-Cake cookies (they are pretty awesome)
-Brownies: plain, peanut butter, or marshmallow flavored
-Or any other type that you prefer, just let me know

All this can be yours! Now that I have sufficiently gone down multiple different paths in this post so as to make the original point unidentifiable, I will say Sayonara.

Song of the day: Know Better Learn Faster --

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