We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Up on the rooooof....

Still on the roof. If you're wondering whether I look horrendous in the picture, let me just clarify--you're correct. It's morning, I'm tired, in my pajamas, with unbrushed hair, on a roof (but at least wearing slippers! It's a requirement at the training house). Actually, being on the roof isn't as bad as I make it seem with my incessant whining; I just like to see how many blog titles I can come up with that involve the word.

So, yesterday was my first day giving an entire presentation of a lesson--targeted at 4-5 year olds, no less. I think it went pretty well, as I am known for being EXTREMELY GENKI! in Japan (usually the translation goes along the lines of 'healthy', but it's not uncommon for a Japanese person to translate it 'high tension', and now I know why). But still, it was a bit exhausting--lots of singing and dancing. I'm starting to view the adult lessons as a break. And speaking of breaks, tomorrow is our first day off! And I'm going to dinner with HERAgami!! I don't know about her, but I'm peeing my pants in excitement.

Ok, I need to go prep for the day (it's my turn with cleaning duties today, and the president is coming, so I need to DO MY BEST!). Hopefully I'll be able to put up some much cooler pics soon.


Thursday, 24 June 2010

I'm on a roof, mudda-effa

Hey kiddadles! Here I am in Japan. In Saitama. On a roof. It's the only place for miles around with internet. Well, unlocked internet, that is. Yesterday, we visited this fancy internet cafe (technically a manga cafe) that had private cubicles and an all-you-can-drink vending machine, but the price for 2 hours was a little misleading (over-charged for being a gaijin? Probably not, but I can't read tricky signs in kanji, so I will blame it on that).

Ok, I promise to write entries that are longer than this in the future, but I'm pretty hungry right now and would like to go eat my cream cheese flavored yogurt, so I will have to catch you all up later.

Blog title throw out to Laurel, who told me I was on a boat. I had to correct her.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

My Groodness!

Groodness Me! I'm in Canada, eh? Some Canadian girls in LA were uber-excited because one of them ran into the girl who plays Mercedes from Glee in the terminal. I'm glad foreigners can come to Southern California and see movie stars all over, since that's how life is like there.

It's just a short countdown now 'til actual arrival, and I'm starting to get a little nervous! I really hope this is a good year, and that I'm a good teacher...I feel like I have to start looking at this business in pieces instead of as a whole, because that starts to make me feel in over my head. But I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone over in Japan; I'm so happy to be nearby so many people. I'm going to get going now, but hopefully the next post you see will be detailing my successful entrance into Japan (...if it's not; well...that's not good. So fingers crossed). Okay bye!

P.S. Edit--While at the airport, I started to feel a little sentimental (seriously though, I think I may be one of the most sentimental people in the world) and started to read the cards/notebook musings people had written to me (my mom asked everyone at the good-bye party to write me a note in a notebook she had bought me, and Suzy relayed the message to bring pictures from the past--some of which are a real treat, I'll tell you). Anyways, I got to Kelsey's (the first one) and started crying, so I had to put off reading the rest since I am in an airport surrounded by Nihonjin who will surely judge me because, as Bridget Jones's mother says, the Japanese are a "cruel race" (jk; almost every Japanese person I've met has been the bee's knees, though I'm not quite sure what that means. But really, they're great). So now I'm reading Secrets of the Model Dorm because I'm a baby who needs light-hearted amusement.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Boy Howdy!

It's almost D-day! On M-day. I'm sad right now, but I'll probably be happy once I'm there. I guess that's all for now.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

G'Bye, Polly Pie; we will miss you.

My visa is entirely the cutest thing ever. Besides my standard passport photo's transformation into a nice black and white vignette portrait, it is also decorated with light pink cherry blossoms and Mt. Fuji, as well as a watermark in the shape of a fan with the letters 'V-I-S-A' across it. Truly adorable.

In honor of LoKate's blog post dedicated to her sister's food, I have to say that I made a dish taught to me by the one and only LKS; the Spanish Tortilla. It was quite delicious, especially for being gluten free (terrible, terrible, terrible diet--I truly think the doctor that I visited is straight up bananas if he thinks this business will continue past the two week mark). It's been so long since I've had a proper dessert (not since Saturday at least)--I'm starting to hallucinate (and by hallucinate I of course mean that I am very, very grumpy. I'm also displeased with everything. Except my very cute visa [But I do hate new Google--where is the Image option???]. I have also become forgetful. See P.S.).

P.S. Suzy informed me that I missed the Glee season finale tonight, which is completely ridiculous of me. Thank goodness for DVR!

Thursday, 3 June 2010


LoKate left that word in her comment on my last entry, and after I read it, I just sat giggling to myself for awhile while I repeated it.

I always know that it's the start of a good week when I come home and am greeted by a brand new dog. For some reason, these dogs are usually black (at least 4), and they usually are brought home by my siblings (Roar-dawg being the biggest repeat offender here). The latest, however, was brought home by my sister to dogwatch for her co-worker. This fine, noble creature goes by the name of Polly, and can launch herself sideways off of couches. Isn't she wonderful?? Taco went nuts at first, but now he more or less tolerates her. When we play with the tug-o-war chew toy, Taco will chase after it, and Polly will chase after Taco. Goldie has no idea what is going on ever.

Also, I have bought my plane ticket and submitted my Visa application. I'm going to Japan for realsies now. The last things to do are pack and g00d-bye party!!

One last lobstervation (even though the rest of the blog was actually more statements than lobstervations): when looking up "Why" with Google, the top suggestion is "Why can't I own a Canadian". Fortunately, I found out the reason for this in Yahoo! Answers: the Teen edition.