We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams

Thursday, 24 June 2010

I'm on a roof, mudda-effa

Hey kiddadles! Here I am in Japan. In Saitama. On a roof. It's the only place for miles around with internet. Well, unlocked internet, that is. Yesterday, we visited this fancy internet cafe (technically a manga cafe) that had private cubicles and an all-you-can-drink vending machine, but the price for 2 hours was a little misleading (over-charged for being a gaijin? Probably not, but I can't read tricky signs in kanji, so I will blame it on that).

Ok, I promise to write entries that are longer than this in the future, but I'm pretty hungry right now and would like to go eat my cream cheese flavored yogurt, so I will have to catch you all up later.

Blog title throw out to Laurel, who told me I was on a boat. I had to correct her.


  1. yaaay youre aaalllive! i was so worried jk, i kinda forgot about you ;)... no, never!
    anywho, cream cheese yogurt kinda sounds grosss

  2. I'm so glad you're there safe and sound! Aaaand your adventure begins! Enjoy the food and meeting new friends. :-)
    Change your blog name to Jilly in Japan!

  3. Yay Jilly-pie!

    P.S. You are "quite" in Japan now.

  4. Yay! You made it safely, can't wait to read more, and talk when you actually get more reliable internet!
